4th Jul 2022

Los Angeles Commandery No. 9 and Old West Lodge participated in the Santa Clarita Parade 2022. Not sure when the Commandery or Old West started being in the parade, but it has been at least 20 years or more. This year’s parade was after a 3 year hiatus due to Covid, the last appearance was in 2019. We provided the color guard and 4 vehicles for the York Rite grand Officers. The attendance this year was massive, and the was an energy and excitement during the parade.
Los Angeles Commandery No.9 was awarded Best Color Guard for the parade. Congrats to the following Sir Knights who participated:
SK Leon Adkins
SK Rick Baca
SK Edwin Balao
SK Eric Bertolli
SK Michael Cortez
SK Danny Foxx
SK Alejandro Laborde
SK Lou Vizcocho
SK David Williams
Some history on the SCV parade:

This year’s video:

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